Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Preferred Family HC Field Trip

Bevin Parrish, Heather Kuhlman, Alana Richter, Cyndi Fuchek
SL – Alcoholics Anonymous – 5/21/08

1) Some of the advantages of belonging to this group in SL are: the ability to attend a meeting at many different times; being able to get support from someone in this group (or another group) 24 hours a day; more anonymity than in RL; not having to go to an actual meeting, which is helpful depending on where you live, your schedule, or your transportation situation; and being able to connect with members of AA around the world.
2) It would be helpful as an RN because it would give you insight into some of the issues that people who are in AA deal with and what some of their needs are. It would enable us, as an RN, to better care for these people. Knowing these groups are out there is helpful because we can offer to these our clients as a resource.

3) Pictures

Intervention for the 21st Century allowing more availability for helping resources.

During Field Trip at Preferred Family HC.

1 comment:

John Miller said...

Good description of the benefits :)